These are the articles I wrote in the office newsletter when I still worked for the university, 2004-2005. I am still re-encoding the older articles.
March 30, 2005
Search by Google in DLSU Web Site
The newest function of the DLSU-Manila Web site is the search by Google feature ( found in the Help page. This page gives you two (2) options to search the domain exclusively. If you tick the second option, you will see a note which will indicate that the domain was searched exclusively. At the bottom of the same page, the options “Search within results” and the “Search Tips” are clickable.
Atomz Search UpgradeOne would think 6,000 Web pages is already a respectable number for a university Web site. Would you believe that the DLSU domain has exceeded this limit?
As of October 2004, our Atomz search engine crawls 8,000 pages. The Atomz search function indexes Web sites by crawling through the pages no matter how information is organized. It can search through ASP, PHP, or other dynamic pages. It can create reports useful in learning visitors’ Web navigation behaviour. Atomz account holders can even control search results based on relevance settings.
These information help the DOCU Team customize search results. The best example is the redirection to the My.LaSalle Log-in Page when one searches for MLS.
CSB ClassesThe DOCU Team takes continuous improvement seriously and took courses at the College of Saint Benilde (CSB) School of Design and Arts – Multimedia Arts program, individually. The thought was born during the Planning Workshop sessions held at the onset of the current school year. Most of us expressed sentiments that we were interested in taking sit-in classes. As a result, out trainings now include:
Reynaldo R. Mendoza, Jr. : Photography Fundamentals
Lemuel B. Cabia : 3D Computer-aided Solid Modelling
Francis Mark D. Santos : 3D Computer-aided Solid Modelling
Albert D. Gavino : Photography Fundamentals
Precious L. Taliwaga : Design Elements and Principles
The Team is currently looking for more programs that will further sharpen our skills and enhance our techniques in Web development.
November 10, 2004
My.LaSalle Search ImprovedFor ages, students and faculty has been searching for the My.LaSalle link in the home page. This has been the top search keyword for a very long time. And we tried everything,, text links, logos and banners, but still, students keep using the search box to find My.LaSalle.
So we had this idea... “Can we modify the search facility so searchers using keywords such as ‘MLS,’ ‘mylasalle,’ or ‘MyLasalle’ be AUTOMATICALLY FORWARDED to the MLS Web site instead of ATOMZ doing the serach?”
Today, this is exactly what happens when one enters “mylasalle” in the Search box of the Manila Web site. Javascript parses the searched word and “redirects” the user to the My.LaSalle login page. To parse means to analyze an input or data into more easily processed components.
Instead of calling the Atomz facility to “search through” all of the pages within the to produce search results, which contains the searched word or phrase, a dialog box with the text “You will be redirected to the ‘My.LaSalle web site’” is displayed.
Today, the search result for keywords leading to mylasalle is ZERO! This happens because the keywords never get to ATOMZ (javascript parses it) and thus has zero search entries. This idea is so successful we would like to duplicate the concept in the intranet.
DLSU WiseThe Documentation Office has recently launched the newly redesigned Wireless Information Services (Wise) Web site
In addition to the short messaging system (SMS) service, this edition has information about the latest addition to DLSU’s wireless services, the DLSU Newsletter Mobile Edition viewable in a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) and the wireless fidelity (WiFi) technology utilization within campus.
Viewing the Aswtats search statistics report, you would be surprised to find out that these newest technologies are the top searches since last month.
Philippine Web AwardsAround this time last year, the Web Team was feverishly campaigning for SMS and e-mail votes as the DLSU-Manila Web site was included as finalist in the prestigious Philippine Web Awards (PWA).
As this is an annual event, why the lull this year? The main reason the DLSU-Manila Web site was not submitted in this year’s PWA is because it has not yet been redesigned and PWA have started to ask for a (hefty) joining fee of $45.
However, despite the fact that the web site is not included in the roster of participants, the event organizer Media G8way Corp. (MGC), still sought our opinion through interviewing Reynaldo R. Mendoza, ITC-Docu’s Acting Department Head.
Here is the full text as it appeared in the Philippine Web Awards Web site:
“(I believe the PWA) provides service to the digital Pinoy by honouring (both the men and the women who) strive to present their best works and inspire more Filipinos to be world class,” noted Reynaldo R. Mendoza, Jr., senior Web designer/acting department head, documentation office of De La Salle University-Manila. DLSU won last year’s People’s Choice award for Schools.
Saying that the PWA changes reflect the event’s improvement through time, he specified three basic types of Web sites: information, entertainment, and e-commerce. Expanding these categories is already a challenge, he pointed out.
Mendoza believe the PWA is making changes in the category listing to “accommodate what (the organizers) may have left out.”
July 25, 2004
Search Engine OptimizationMeta tags are words of phrases that help search engines classify and rank a Web page. They instruct Web browsers to perform specific tasks and identify keywords and site definitions, among others. The DLSU-Manila Web site has almost 3,000 pages. Though information is organized well, some people find it easier to use its Search function extensively. For this reason, the DOCU Office reviewed the major folders and selected the appropriate keywords. The DOCU Office also took into account statistics reported by Atomz and Awstats.
To date, “mylasalle” which used to be the most frequently searched word, is the first item that will be included in the report when it is searched. This is just one keyword among many. The process of updating the meta tags is being done weekly.
CHED-ZRC Web SiteAs DLSU-M aims to be the top research university in the Asia-Pacific region, ITC is proud to be part of the move to work towards this vision. Recently, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) chose DLSU-M as one of its Zonal Research Centers (ZRC) ( As a result, the CHED-ZRC Web site can now be found in the DLSU-M Web site. The Web site contains the National Higher Education Research Agenda, priority research areas, overview of the different grants it offers, downloadable portable document format (PDF) forms and the CHED research framework.
President’s ReportThe on-line edition of the DLS System’s President Report for the School Year 2002-2003 is now accessible. In addition to he regular features, it now includes information about the newest campus in the System, the DLS-Araneta University. It remained true to the printed edition. Insert photos in the magazine were presented as still photos. The pages used the colors white and grayish brown, the same colors used by the printed edition.
Transfer of CCS and ITC to DLSU-Manila Web SiteWith the transfer of the College of Computer Studies (CCS) to the DLSU-Manila from the Professional Schools, Inc. (PSI), so has its Web site. The organization of the files was retained so as not to spoil the navigation behaviour of the site surfers. Next up for transfer is the ITC Web site, as we also transferred to the main campus.
March 12, 2004
MLS Portal UpdateThe My.LaSalle (MLS) portal continues to take better shape. The most recent additions to the portal are the comprehensive accessories which now includes the DLSU Library Web On-line Public Access Catalog (OPAC),,,,, links, links to government electronic services, Quality Articles posted under lifelong learning, calculator and periodic table of the elements, at default.
Helpdesk Web SiteThe launch of the reorganized and redesigned Help Desk web site is something to look forward to. Together with other recently-launched web sites, the Help Desk uses CSS layouts. CSS web design uses no tables for design and thus, makes load time faster and has the ability to change designs on the fly just by changing the CSS of the web site. These technologies make the design and enhancement of the web site easier. As a result, there are three (3) designs and color schemes to choose form. The major links are now Services, Tips and Tools, Downloads, Facilities, FAQs, DLSU Sites and About.
PSI Web SiteIn line with the Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities (PAASCU) re-assessment of the College of Computer Studies (CCS), the redesigned ITC-PSI web site has been launched last November. The web developers utilized WYSIWYG templates that allow easier content development and maintenance.
Planning SessionsThe DOCU Office recently concluded the planning workshop for the school year 2004-2005. After three (3) sessions, new threats and opportunities posed by conditions outside of ITC and DLSU have been identified in the TOWS analysis. A more detailed and comprehensive proactive action plan has been finalized. Upon the implementation of the action plan, delivery of information over the Internet is foreseen to be more accurate, up-to-date and accessible.
Faculty Web SiteFull professors who are employed by the University full-time can now avail of Web development services. At the very least, full professors have a doctoral degree to their credit except in fields where doctoral programs are not available locally. The guidelines have already been set by the DOCU Office as approved by ITC Director Samuel Mallare. The Web page for the guidelines is currently being developed. To make the academic community aware of this service, an article will be published in the DLSU Newsletter.
CeMTRE Web SiteSupporting DLSU’s mission to be the leading research university in the Southeast Asian region, La Salle tied up with the Philippine government’s Department of Energy (DOE) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The web site for Center for Micro-Hydro Technology for Rural Electrification, CeMTRE, was established to upgrade the existing hydraulic laboratory test facilities for micr-hydro technologies at the College of Engineering.
Published ArticlesTo inform the users of the newest services offered by the Information Technology Center (ITC), the DOCU Office submitted articles which have been published in the printed edition of the DLSU Newsletter. These articles informed the public of the importance of the web in information dissemination, the accessibility of the software PDF995 and Statistica. On-line information about these topics can be found in the different web sites where they belong.