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Thursday, January 03, 2008

Name your blessings

I attended the January 2 mass at the office. The priest had a nice homily. He said that we shouldn't simply count our blessings but we should name them as well. I tried it and I became more appreciative of the things I have.
Off the top of my head, these are the blessings I received in 2007:
1. I personally experienced a miracle. I got well from an incurable disease.
2. My prayers started to evolve into responsive conversations with God.
3. God made it easy for me to spread His love by letting a good number of people know that it is alive and present everywhere.
4. I finally understood that God's gifts are given by a loving father, that I shouldn't be afraid of accepting His gifts. They are given out of genuine love.
5. I presently have a better paying job. I am able to share my blessings and still have enough to enjoy life and for my security.
6. In addition to my full-time job, I had several part-time jobs that had reasonable working hours and paid enough, considering my lifestyle, at least.
7. I continue to have meaningful friendships. Old friends started getting in touch with me again. I gained new friends.
8. I travelled out of town and abroad with family and friends.
I'm sure this list will get longer and be more meaningful as I reflect on the topic. The prayer that keeps on entering my mind now is the Serenity Prayer:
Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
the courage to change the things I can;
and the wisdom to know the difference.

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