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Monday, December 01, 2008

Christmas party plans

Come to think of it, this is not the first time I'll be joining my former office's Christmas party as a guest. In DLSU, I continued joining the parties in Vibal. When I went there, it was as if I never left. My reunion with them at those times were truly special.

Last year was my first Christmas season in my present office. Annually, the office receives plenty of delicious foods from various offices and people.

Last week, I chatted with a friend from my former office. I joked that maybe she would like to invite me to their Christmas party. She took it seriously and told 2 more of our common friends. As a result, they will share the payment for my attendance in their Christmas party dinner. Traditionally, guests judge the performances of each group. After dinner, who knows where we'll go.

I know it will be a lot of fun. I'm really looking forward to it.

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