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Saturday, January 27, 2007

ITC, GSIS, SFC and graduate studies

To say that September to December, 2006 were very busy months is an understatement. Of course, my regular activities are going to the office five days a week and attending graduate classes two days a week. I salute all postgraduate degree holders because I know they are all expert jugglers in managing time and energy.

Personally, in the time span mentioned, I was a student who went on vacation only for a week but never really got the drive back to study hard. I was a Singles for Christ (SFC) member who attended meetings in campus weekly and and in the chapter monthly. I always thought things will return to normal after each activity I finished. The respite spent in between then were essential for me to rejuvenate physically (read: justifications to be a big-time bum!!!)

Enter 2007 and my schedule went from busy to physically draining day after day after day. My regular activities went on as usual, i.e., office, class and SFC. One uneventful afternoon, I received a phone call from the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) informing me that I have been accepted as Staff Writer and they want me to report right away because of the urgency of the position. I felt blest upon receiving the news. I thought I would think it over for a night then decide in the morning.

However, God had another plan. He made my cousin send a text message to all our relatives and common friends which I quote, "Bait in God, signed na appointment ni princess sa gsis! Sa public affairs unit. no politics and backers. She got d highest rating sa exam and interview and was unanimously chosen by d panel. May mga humarang sa hgher level kasi may mga gustong ipasok na iba pero d nagprevail."

Soon after, my cell phone was flooded with congratulary messages. I felt that I had no choice but to hand in my resignation from the De La Salle University Information Technology Center (DLSU ITC). The day after that, I got my list of requirements from the GSIS, went on programmed sick leave from DLSU ITC for two days to process required papers, had a lunch meeting with my new boss and team mates, while attending SFC activities, preparing/attending classes. The days I spent at the ITC were spent teaching my officemate, who joined the team in September, to process documents, implement standards, learn how to use different software and their features, among others.

The documented Staff Writer job description given to me by the GSIS HR was standard. Little did I know that they hired me mostly because of my experience in using graphics software to create banners, streamers, flyers and information materials. It shouldn't come as a surprise in the corporate world's multitasking culture right? However, this was the exact reason I left the publishing house almost 8 years ago. I felt that I was veering away from writing, which I love dearly, and is being molded to become a graphic artist, which has never been my interest, mostly because I felt that I didn't have the talent and patience to improve on the skill.

Last night, my good friend invited me to a prayer meeting. I joined in spite of the fact that I haven't prepared for my classes the following day. As with the GSIS job announcement, God had a plan. Though it hasn't bothered me as much yet that I might not be good enough to be a graphic artist, God addressed the matter reassuring me in the process.

The speaker said over and over again that she felt God was setting her up for failure because of all the odds she faced recently. Through the Bible, her perspective changed to Why do people put a limit to what God can do for us in our lives? He gave us the opportunity, He will provide the means for us to go through life with enriching experiences and enlightening wisdom.

My recent Yahoo! Messenger status is I will truly miss my ITC family. In my heart of hearts, I sincerely felt this. This is the office where I spent 4 years and 2 months of my life. This is the office where I learned how to maintain Web sites, the office where I honed my technical writing skills, the office which pushed me to pursue graduate studies. This is the office where my people skills were tried and improved, I sincerely believe. This is also an office where I began and nurtured genuine friendships.

Taking all of these things into account, many ask why I resigned. In my heart, I feel that the good Lord is still shaping me up to reach my full potential. As long as He is in charge, I need only to obey Him.


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PreciousAnne said...

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