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Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog

Monday, July 28, 2008

Once bitten, twice shy

This past week, I read the latest bestseller pocketbook for teens, Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. It was a good way to spend idle time after I learned I failed the IQ exam. I think my pride is not yet over this so I cannot write about the topic in full length just yet. It’s just that I was so sure it was my destiny! I told all of my friends and family about it and prayed for it passionately. To say that I listened attentively in each class is an understatement! I established friendly ties with my classmates as I was positive they would be my colleagues as a diplomat.

Then I failed the IQ exam. The long and short of it is, I’m not good enough. Most of my friends and classmates urge me until now to retake it but as the cliché goes, “Once bitten, twice shy.” That’s all my pride can handle for now.

As I am writing this, only clichés enter my mind. Reading the review materials and supplements amaze me with “learning things I never knew I never knew” (line from the song Colors of the Wind). I liked the self-motivation of pushing my abilities beyond the limit. Well, as they say, the rest is history.

Recently, a good friend wanted me to watch the Food Network on cable so we have common ground as an interesting conversation starter. I tried, truly, but I have lost taste in spending much time in front of the TV, hence, this blog post. I dropped by a bookstore before going home and looked for a copy of New Moon (by the same author), the second instalment to the saga. I was informed that the stock would arrive some time tonight. I will definitely buy it tomorrow.

For now, I am back to killing time after office by watching the news, going online, reading pocketbooks, and updating my blog.


The Guy in Red Sneakers said...

During the course of my academic life I, too, have received numerous failing marks. Sometimes I rationalize by saying it's a difficult course to begin with or that I hadn't time to study, or that I erred by being too confident and was a lot careless.

I believe that some tests are poor indicators of who we are and what we learned. Some professors, I am quite sad to realize, do not even know which questions to ask.

It may or may not be true that you arent "good enough". I think your statement is too far sweeping. After all, it is just a test, and a quantitative one at that.

I have this one course before, Market Research, which I enjoyed immensely. While the professor was quite stringent, the subject was a lot interesting and I learned a lot (though mostly by reading, which I thoroughly enjoyed).

Come exams, however, I fail, once, and twice over. His type of tests were not very good. We students expected more application-types and essays, which we thought were the more indicative type of test for such a subject (which dealt a lot with concepts and theories and "abstract").

Well. The tests dealt more on terminologies and histories of research. Yeah, WTF.

Ahahahahahaha. Needless to say, I and a few of my blockmates repeated the same subject with another professor, who, thankfully, was a better exam-designer. Ahahahahaha.

We aced the subject.

Perhaps other factors were involved, in your failing this exam. Kinakabahan ka the first time, di ba..? That could be it.

Take it again, my suggestion. In due time..?

PreciousAnne said...

Well, may konti yabang kasi around the time I took the exams. As I just got well, I felt that God will not deny me anything, that I simply have to ask and all of my desires will be granted.

It does not work that way though, He may have granted my prayers but it was different from the answer I prayed for.

The Guy in Red Sneakers said...

Hmmm. Very well said. =)

The Guy in Red Sneakers said...

There's always bound to be a reason for this. There always is, I find.

Perhaps in time we'll find out, eh..?

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