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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Is it just September 2008?

What a year this has been so far!

Personally, 2007 ended on a high note as I experienced a great miracle. I got well from an incurable disease. Thank God, I have been free from taking the prescription medicine for that sickness and still my mind and body are functioning as efficiently as ever.

At that time, my faith in God was at an all-time high. I was positive that nothing will ever be impossible for me as I can personally ask God for anything, work hard for it, and request trusted friends to include me in their prayers.

One of the first things I did was to dream of becoming a diplomat. Was I inspired at that time! I had a clear definite goal and a good plan to achieve it -- learn Spanish, enroll in the review school, pass all the 4 exams. As a third language was part of the exam, I enrolled in Spanish classes. Even though I knew there would be an overlap between the last two weeks of Spanish classes and the first two weeks of the diplomat exam review classes, I pushed through with it. It was ok for me that I had no idle time even after classes were over as I was very busy reading all the materials, the newspapers, and international political magazines, and watching all local and international news on TV. Then I failed the first test, the IQ exam.

I can still recall how directionless I felt then. Admittedly, I wanted to be a diplomat because I am still single. I reasoned, since I would grow old alone, I might as well offer my life to worthy causes marketing the Philippines and providing service to Filipinos all over the globe. Then I failed the IQ exam. I could retake it next year, I don't know if it is plain sourgraping on my part but I don't want to go through that again.

Toward the end of the review classes, I started getting close with a guy I've been chatting with online since 2004. We both enjoyed semi-fine dining on international cuisines, started hanging out twice a week (at its most frequent), then he got very busy with work. I looked forward to face-to-face conversations with him at this time that I stubbornly refused sharing stories with him online. Sad to say but as I was waiting for the time we would see each other again, he just resumed his life pattern before he knew me. I was hurt, sent him a succinct email, he was hurt by it, we talked on the phone to patch things up, I dropped by his office unannounced. I think it was the clean break both of us wanted though I will never know the reason he wanted the break in the first place. This happened in a span of 4 months.

Others may wonder if I had a job all this time. Of course I was never out of work. It's hard to believe that I entered the office only in February 2007. I likewise got close to a mommy in the office who was just 3 years older than me. She filed for early retirement in February effective June. From February to June, she betrayed all my confidences and passed on her work load to me without proper orientation. In comparison to my previous jobs, I am compensated well enough in this office. I didn't mind giving out financial assistance to my brothers. As their family finances was not that good this year, I was only glad that I could help them. Now, my savings is smaller compared to last year's.

I told my friend last night that I felt 2008 was a trying year for me but I can't really complain as I bounced quickly after the setbacks. I feel that the good Lord was slightly harsh in molding me in several ways this year. Definitely, I was shaped by all of this year's events more than ever. I sincerely hope that this year would still end up the best way possible.

Comments, anyone?

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