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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Reflection for the Day

I attended a very personal retreat a few years back where there were no agendas set by the organizer and the retreatant was in total control of the topic and the pacing of events for 2 and a half days.

One of the things my retreat master told me was the Web site Sacred Space. It is a great way to start my day. My thoughts, words and actions would have a guide when I took the conscious effort to do so.

This one is really nice.

Prayer is its own reward to the extent that we always receive when we pray. We are closer to God’s love and the door is always opened to new hope and new confidence in our lives. We may not get all we want, or specific things we ask for. We get what God wants to give at the time for the good of our lives. What we are always given in prayer is God’s Holy Spirit with whatever gift of the Spirit we most need at the time.

Hope the site touches you the same way I was inspired.

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