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Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Me and My Limp

I now recall why I was hesitant to create my blog. I knew that I couldn’t commit myself to update it regularly. Also, I consider myself a very private person who likes to confide to few selected friends the latest things I’ve been doing.

Just for the record, nobody twisted my arm to make me write something personal 

In December, 2005, I felt that my walk changed. My walk suddenly became uneven. I ignored it because I thought it would go away. January of this year, I was actually limping. I continued to ignore it till early March. Then my friends who walked behind me started commenting that I walked differently. They even described it as funny. I was not offended because I could see the genuine concern in their eyes.

I waited to have it checked right before Holy Week, when the doctors I needed also took their long vacations! By this time, I was getting worried. One other reason I wanted to have it checked then was, it was putting a strain on my knee and hip bone. It hurt when I got tired from too much walking.

I was first referred to an orthopedic. He tested my leg’s flexibility (placed it everywhere) and made me walk on tiptoe. He gladly pronounced that as far as his specialization is concerned, nothing’s wrong with me. I didn’t know whether to be glad or sad. Glad because I thought I would undergo cementing procedures. Sad because if my bone is intact (Thank God!) what’ wrong with my gait? He told me that I should have it checked by an acupuncturist or a neurologist!

I opted to have it checked by a neurologist first. The neurologist had more interesting tests. He checked my eyes with a penlight, used a doctor’s hammer on my elbows and knees, and even tickled the bottom of my feet just to test their nerves. He had a very interesting recommendation. He enumerated a list of the things I should do:

1. I shouldn’t tire myself.
2. Stress is a no-no!
3. I shouldn’t take in soft drinks when my bed time nears.
4. I shouldn’t drink coffee!
Talk about test of will power! I cannot function well in the morning and after lunch until I drink my 1 mug of coffee.
5. I should be in bed by 10 p.m.!
This made all my friends laugh. They know that I do not go to bed earlier than 12 m.n. When I do, I expect to be awake around 2 or 3 a.m.

I have been following all these items to the letter for more than a week now. Still, my walk hasn’t improved.

I’m thinking having my foot checked by a manghihilot. My dear Lola, mother and her sisters think this is as simple as being nabati. They said, I’m so fond of going on out-of-town trips. I sincerely hope that this is the case and eventually, my walk will be corrected without medical procedures.


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