My Bookshelf

Shelfari: Book reviews on your book blog

Thursday, November 29, 2007


Once, while I was on vacation, my officemate sent a text message. Our boss was looking for a letter she assigned me to write. Among teaching my officemate how to use computer peripherals and looking for the file through numerous text messages, they found the letter.

Now, one month after I wrote it, my boss asked me to write four versions of the revised letter I wrote. I was actually excited when she told me about it. I was able to finish writing after two hours. The following day, while she was out of the office attending a meeting, she called me up to ask me to write three more versions of the same letter! She was kind enough to tell me that the letters I wrote were good but she needs three more versions anyway. That was eight new versions in all! While I was writing the seventh version, I was flattered because I felt that I was inspired! I never ran out of ways to express the same thought in that situation.

On the third day, my boss called me up again to ask for one more version of the letter. That's eight new versions in all! By this time, I was both worried if I could produce new version yet excited to rack my brains for the new version. I was able to finish it in 15 minutes.

Could you blame me if I was smiling ear to ear upon submission of the last version of the letter? :)

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